The Dunedin Medieval and Renaissance Society
proudly presents
A midwinter celebration of Medieval. Renaissance and Baroque dance music.
Includes works by Nicholson, Praetorius, Strozzi, and Purcell.
Friday 18 June
St Paul’s Cathedral Crypt
Door sales $12/$10
Featuring Panache, Rare Byrds, Les Belles Vilaines, Jack Frost Morris, the Playford Dancers, and Martin Takac.
proudly presents
A midwinter celebration of Medieval. Renaissance and Baroque dance music.
Includes works by Nicholson, Praetorius, Strozzi, and Purcell.
Friday 18 June
St Paul’s Cathedral Crypt
Door sales $12/$10
Featuring Panache, Rare Byrds, Les Belles Vilaines, Jack Frost Morris, the Playford Dancers, and Martin Takac.
Belles Qui Pavanent (Thoinot Arbeau, 1589)
Les Belles Vilaines and Playford Dancers
Reading: The Social Uses of Dancing,
The Black Nag (John Playford, 1623-1687)
Playford Dancers
The Jewes Dance
(Richard Nicholson , 1563-1639)
Pavane dan Vers (Anon., 1599)
Slovakian Dance Suite (Traditional):
Two Slovakian Midwinter Carols (Traditional)
Princes qu’en mains tenez
“The princes who hold us in their grip”
(Traditional Breton)
Les Belles Vilaines
Reading: Choreomania (Dancing Plagues)
Ductia (Anon., 13th century)
Tourdion (Arbeau, 1589)
Les Belles Vilaines
Volta Francese (Bellerofonte Castaldi, 1622)
Dance Suite (Michael Praetorius, 1571-1621)
Harpsichord Dances
Round O Minuett (Jeremiah Clarke 1674-1707)
La Volta (William Byrd, 1540-1623)
Reading: Against Dancing
(The Lawes and Statutes of Geneva, 1643)
Lillibulero (Traditional)
Jack Frost Morris
Gigue pour deux clavecins
(Gaspard Le Roux d.1707)
Chi brama amore “Love’s Forgiveness”
(Barbara Strozzi, 1619-1677)
Reading: Dancing Queens
I attempt from love’s sickness to fly
From The Indian Queen
Chaconne for two recorders
Canon from Diocletian
Sing, sing while we trip it
From The Fairy Queen
(Henry Purcell, 1659-1695)
Belle qui tiens ma vie
“The beauty who holds my life captive”
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Midwinter celebration?
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